Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
100 percent of the time ?
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
is that my wife's ring ? who has it
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
really ? wonder if im dating her daughter
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's photo.
Say hi to Mike . both of you have smiles wider than miles
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to his own comment.
think they have a facebook page too
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
hmm seen older versions of them near fau campus . thought they lived here did not consider thry might be runaways
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Bridget Dayera's post.
i think ive heard this before somewhere hmm
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
could not be more scary and TRUE
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
my p.e. coach stopped a fight in grade school as each student pointed that the other started this first . he said wisely " i don care who started this . next class is comimg .. we have to shake hands .. forget whatever it was .. was any of it that important ? no . we have to get on with our business each one of us has a job to do and this fighting is like a crime of wasting time " and so the boys shook and never in grade school did i ever hear about or see another fight . his name was Coach Bitzer
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
didnt you go to church at least on one occassion that explained how important it is to remain In The Center Of whose ? Will ?? ??? |
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Holidays of Yesteryear's photo.
those blizzards are pretty good at mcdon.. have to admit
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
some funny videos make people who ate so sick they will laugh while the video portays those actually hurt really bad even killed in making the film . who is ill more sweetheart ?
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
my posts are like a gun . its negative if you kill with it . its positive if you shoot the cuffs off a prisoner to release them from bondage . you think i have bad intentions ? good people usually reflect the true mirror to those who need to see the era in they way
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Helga Tronrud's post.
they hope admitting a few things will turn us away ? keep going . theres no full pardon without full confessions
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to his own comment.
exactly why some of us keep doing the sparring with idiots who love bad attention well i think we should spare it rather than sparr with it . my stupidity and anyone elses who entertains stupidity versus intelligence to leave i.t. alone
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
leave my face alone by the way . bad enough one day something was biting my ear
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
you see a funny thing happened on the way to the forum ..
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
maybe we got enough free time we should get married . by the way are you the opposing sex but not an enemy . if so we could consider walks in the rain .. pina coladas .. etc instead of f. n around on f. you know how to reach me . no more excuses
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
except for those that read your post and most likely also cant understand you so wont understand the message either . unfortunately the people who.get it .. already know you and are the same .
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
why ? because lies and remembering every wrong doing take up real space
" somewhere " that will put a damper on fun you plan later unless you " delete it " or " put it offloaded " so you keep functioning as if " nothing happened " except for the knowledged gained to avoid that kind of situation ever again . in short keep wisdom . chuck grudges . fool me once shame on you . fool me ? shame on ? ~~ Scotty to Captain
" somewhere " that will put a damper on fun you plan later unless you " delete it " or " put it offloaded " so you keep functioning as if " nothing happened " except for the knowledged gained to avoid that kind of situation ever again . in short keep wisdom . chuck grudges . fool me once shame on you . fool me ? shame on ? ~~ Scotty to Captain
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
the good people try way too hard but the reward is certainty when we finally state statements of complete sense . so please world stop " baking " the " act " s of people who are coming to the same what should have been obvious conclusion as stated like above
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
and this is proof from god by example why we dont spread information we never verify . its called rumors fofoca in portuguese Desiree knows the language she has to be my first wife and her and all ya never check anything but love to spread and increase whatever it is . if by chance any of it was good hmm what if a bad seed is multiplied from every tongue in the land or tapped by cellphone . in old times you would lose what you used in abuse
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
sandy have you ever seen my photo talked to me to know who i am and what pranks are possibly going on ?
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
because there is no substitute for being learned educated knowledgable wise kind inquisitive initiating and courageous enough to make ourselves so.
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Eide Clementina's post.
ja viu .. e peligro de mais !
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Dolores Deny's post.
just click the text above whivh should be Underlined
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
kisses .. i make sweet after it gets sour .. ssikwinkkinwkiss
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
unless genetically reengineered between shed versions
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
In fact those are those who really need help . if they can pay you back they have what it takes to do it themselves . shame on them
shame on you . if hoth of you dont need each others help . want each others help while another close enough to you both is " starving " for help
shame on you . if hoth of you dont need each others help . want each others help while another close enough to you both is " starving " for help
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
yes it can but you wood be the fool to buy into actually believing its real when it costed to get it
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
damned ? doesnt cover it . try dead and non existant
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
Adamsel was his full name
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
you are slow but youre catching on . Adam was transexual
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on his own post.
With Anyone Who Treats Me Soft n Cudfly without a Ball of String . Open to Only One Priority Relationship .. Do Not Break Seal and IT wont spoil . ova
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiffany Young's post.
true unless you choose the gps with the uncibilized setting complete with car accident and near fatal ? routes included at know extra charge ?
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to Sandra Urquia's comment.
the point is our homes have been filled with murderous torturous devices we bougt with our own money .. all must be destroyed like this one
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Andra Sirait's post.
there is more here than a computer ..
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to Sandra Urquia's comment.
you are not My Girl so you arent pvt to know that sorry
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to Desiree Share's comment.
yup .. the rest of the time remember I Am Your Troo Mirror
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to Desiree Share's comment.
better to hard code fewer commitments leaving enough time to You for rest and proper regeneration then should you recover faster than expected you can " page in " some " extra treat " and without ruining the day for others victimized by broken commitments or to push to squeeze in the last drops thinking falsely a reputation is at steak for which you should know the God of Everyone is already watching and Everyone all ready Understands Your limitations which We ALL have similarly
people places and things risk damage whenever we faslely deem ? it nessessary to be a perfect 100 in a world that if run on eggshells well it dont start your car doessit ? rest your betterys often . underestimate what you can accomplish each day its safer for all . security has no security but SAFETY definitely has merit . when everyone lives under the limits WITCH ARE REAL . there are no limits and " no end to what we can do together togathahhh the willow turns her back on inclement whether .. we can do it .. " ~~ Paul McCartney and Wings .. Greatest Hits ~~ start with you while Eye start with ME . no limits ?? hmm KNOW LIMITS !!
people places and things risk damage whenever we faslely deem ? it nessessary to be a perfect 100 in a world that if run on eggshells well it dont start your car doessit ? rest your betterys often . underestimate what you can accomplish each day its safer for all . security has no security but SAFETY definitely has merit . when everyone lives under the limits WITCH ARE REAL . there are no limits and " no end to what we can do together togathahhh the willow turns her back on inclement whether .. we can do it .. " ~~ Paul McCartney and Wings .. Greatest Hits ~~ start with you while Eye start with ME . no limits ?? hmm KNOW LIMITS !!
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Trent Shelton's video.
The more you save it dishonestly the more you lose it
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Mariane Arocha Shows Valdivia's post.
Ah I tink i got it . Ya
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Mariane Arocha Shows Valdivia's post.
and dont ya know routine oil changes were created just for this . old oil = new oil + Slick 50 so why do you rush to change it quicker than you change your mind ?
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Giovana Braga's photo.
nunca viu muito Elvis vid ob.
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiff Young's post.
cant swim as well as us who can swim better ? or because we dont miss the boat when it arrives
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Tiff Young's post.
Like Aqua Velva .. Thanks I Needed That !
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Christina Desouza's post.
ficando callado com duenca e falando o mismo.bishtera mais robo que animal resolva nenumha problema . tem que sair do dentro do coracao o ninguem pode ajuda .. poemas tem lugar que posso ajuda felicidade mais para crecer com joya verdade constanta e eternal tem que faz um poco mais e usando o poder das otras incluindo Nossa Deus MENOS
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to his own comment.
our deal was made behind rubble on Camino Real . now theres a church there Cavalry Satellite
Dale Strawinny Neumann replied to his own comment.
Sam was my favorite grandpa maybe cause he perished and we only talked twice over stolen grandmas cookies before he died and i was three
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Ron Lang's post.
Martin ? not familiar with that side .. im very bad with fam tree stuff
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Ron Lang's post.
you.visited my dad and mom we went to Two Jays restaurant you gave me a business card which of course i lost .. I am the Boca Brat #1
Dale Strawinny Neumann commented on Ron Lang's post.
You are Ronnie Lang relative of Elizabeth Lang yes ? my grandmother who gave birth to June Neumann