Dale Neumann
how was dumbminnows last night im sorry . i went home i needed save gas money and was tired anyway to have hard times on new years with anyone .. i was impolite yesterday and serious do appreciate it when someone smart is honest to point that out to me right away . makes me better . i dont take it personally cause i know you dont tell me things like that to hurt me you just want me to be the best and i want same for you no matter what foolishness creeps around . have a good day . im at parents just reflecting on where i been and where the best path is going forward . having too much money and participating in too many events doesnt give us the time to consider whats really important to do all the time .
Jan 1, 2019, 10:57 AM
Darlene M. Fetzer
Dec 29, 2018, 2:01 PM