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on stove onion crouton meat patty wrap in aluminum foil with closure on top during cooking. cook on Lowest Possible setting that will cook the meat brown. i used sliced white onion, and fresh toaster dried garlic bagel pieces my wife had used for a chicken dish the night before. also added sea salt and no more was needed. make sure you dont do this with high heat at all. if your scared supervise it frequently . grease fires are very dangerous thats why the heat has to be at the absolute lowest and the alyminum foil well sealed around the meat. benefits of saving oven costs and heating house and environment are worth the effort. just be Safe as with anything. all photos are after it was done. originally the meat was wrapped tightly sealed in that same piece of foil. split it with wife . it was devoured in minutes as proof it was not bad at all. must have even been good. i know i thought it was !
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there are times i would rather be without something functional. when it becomes an obsticle either physically or mentally for whatever the feeling, if i can make due maybe even better with it gone. its gone. and if its creating more work or collecting filth that is Double Work and its gone for that reason too. for all anyone can look at this and say how spoiled and thankless or unappreciative ... tom petty is Right. i dont have to live like a refugee particularly in a fully paid By Me condo unit. and that really has little to do with why or does it ? dont read too much into this. we are not talkin body parts or people here. and to me i am weighing the benefits of placing clean dishes to dry in a perm mildewed and rusting metal contraption that reminds me of a cage versus reclaiming my beautiful expensive granite kitchen counter space and just setting dishes there perhaps on a towel to dry. or just stop being lazy and get it all done at once for the dishes otherwise just sit in that ugly thing as they were just doing for day or two. who wants to set eyes on an eyesore ? its no incentive to put anything away stacked in it, so no one did until thus morning i realized time to toss it out no matter . its my place i have good reason. its for the better or i would not get rid of it. i then put away most of those dishes too. end of subject. if wife is desparate for a dish drainer i dont know. i compromised everything with my first wife. it made homelife unbearable for me. i left because my way was not agreed as better. she was left to run my ship here the way she wanted. she was even buying the place from me. she died last year while i was in my second year or more of residence in ohio with the woman who helped rescue me from that situation and certainly not anything to do with murder , more rumors spread by members of our church along with contradictory ones that she was still aluve, like never died in the first place, .... except that as she only took her own advice and mine was invalid because i took medication for mental illness , she murdered herself, lived by her sword only, and died by her own sword too. she died of "natural causes" from listening to friends advice, doctors recommendations, and keeping the home the way she thought it was "livable" . never considered to follow any of my key suggestions including to not put fragrance jars filled with pink fabuloso everywhere in the home. when i said "they go or i go" she prefered i leave the place that I bought with my effort working in computer industry 25 years while she stayed home and watched tv day and night. yes our church life had much value for me, but then if she even followed the bibles advice i would have been considered the "head of the household" and so much of our problems , who knows, could have been averted and maybe she could still even be alive today .... hmmmm
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Apparently bees arent born in May ..
well all i know for sure
is that no one knows
if bees are born in may .
well all i really know
now is that the Any bee
is never born in May
well no one has
an answer at least ..
well at least not hear ..
Maybe i dont know .
Maybe i really
dont know Any thing ..
s ~
perhaps .
at Al .
may bee
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we have a variable speed LP record turntable that proves my research at that ever since 1976 and u.s. power became 60 Hz cycles instead of 50.. by the way other countries like England still use 50 Hz AC just Google It.. we have been on "speed music" from 78 to 33 to cass. to cds etc. all mental n subst illness treatm. should be free and funded by music industry law enforce. n medical n pharm industries
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shoos better
not bitter
99.9 fu
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" A number of active oxygen species are likely implicated in the etiology or manifestation of several pathological conditions, including aging, arthritis, carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, and muscular dystrophy. Ascorbate plays a key role in protecting cells against oxidative damage. Paradoxically, in the presence of Fe3+ or Cu2+, ascorbate can promote the generation of the same reactive oxygen species (.OH, O2-, H2O2, and ferryl ion) it is known to destroy. This prooxidant activity derives from the ability of ascorbate to reduce Fe3+ or Cu2+ to Fe2+ or Cu+, respectively, and to reduce O2 to O2-. and H2O2. Damage to nucleic acid and proteins results from the binding of either Fe2+ or Cu+ to metal binding sites on these macromolecules followed by reaction of the metal complexes with H2O2; this leads to the production of active oxygen species that attack functional groups at or near the metal binding sites "
This says that the body is cured by starving rusting iron of oxygen. oxygen pairs can no longer travel together. cure is only reached at the cost of aging the body. Reference song " Iron Man " This paragraph at PubChem was the only one written there in " plain english " The body is interested in eternal well being hence does not store it. What is it ? Vitamin C starving Fe minors will come " a knockin on yo doe " for Miner Generals Mills
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Sauteed Chick Fillet Stuffing
Chick Filet sandwich
break up bread n slice chicken
pickles optional
cook in a mixture
of oil n water
cover to seal moisture
during " coast cooking "
after turning off heat
once begins simmering
add some flour
dash sugar n rosemary
sliced onions n garlic optional
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qual face do home encina ta antes e qual e depois ? em mi experiencia en ultima consequencas que mulher paga alguma coisa DEPOIS a conta do homem vay a MULTIPLICAR 77x7 SIN Explicacao !! Cuida seu alma mais que o " dolar " e paga a conta Antes que mulher Tenta paga para vc misma !!!!
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you have a god given right to DRUG yourself but ONLY YOU . to do this to ANYONE besides yourself especially UKNOWINGLY or WITHOUT FULL UNDERSTANDING regardless of the intention or circumstances or preexisting ANYTHiNG IS A HIGH CRIME up there with dishonesty DISHONOR Murder Execution Forced Labor Sex Slavery and MURDER . i was forced to fuck up my soul with a Haldol pill or the staff would not release me from the torment of spending 18 hours in isolation at a ft lauderdale mental hospital at 19 years of age while i tried to get my BSEE Electrical Engineering Degree from FAU Florida Atlantic University in 1987 . which i did in December 87 anyway despite all the bullshit . i was strapped inside the room to a cross and injected prolyxin into my ass against MY WILL . i had Never taken any psycho drugs or street drugs in my life ever before this . only tried to become an Herbalife salesman while in college . thats it . now suffered 30 some years from that date to discover the bigger picture NOW
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Dear Bill Gates ..
Why ?
What did I do wrong
To Deserve This ????????
And you grayed out
My checkbox to disable
Windows Updates in a free country ..
Like what's up dude ????
Taken | Aug 27, 2020, 8:17 PM |
Modified | Aug 27, 2020, 8:17 PM |
Camera Make | TINNO |
Camera Model | W-U300 |
Exposure | 30001/1000000 |
F-Stop | 28/10 |
ISO Speed | 199 |
Focal Length | 2270/1000 |
Latitude | 26.362327555556 |
Longitude | -80.110549916667 |
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Mobile Uploads is bullshit
.. they will abuse your cell phone number .
See attached .
Only trust .gov
Bidens a cheater .. trump's bullyish
But Trump doesn't warp his bullshit
this bad .. my mail in ballot
was slightly torn on arrival .
Trump ain't kidding around
Or calling anyone " Clown "
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