What is Prayer?


Prayer can be …

Taking time to look out a window

And marvel at the grass, trees, and sunshine.


Prayer can be…

Lying in bed, “daydreaming” of

How your life’s goals might

Be accomplished.


Prayer can be…

Talking to yourself

As you plan your day

While driving in your car.


Prayer can be…

Singing in the school choir

Every morning

Or listening to “clean” music.


Prayer can be…

Being all alone,

Realizing your past mistakes,

And crying out to the night.


Prayer can be…

Thinking of someone

Who has fewer things to

Praise God for than you.


Prayer should be on your lips

Always, in any conversation.


Prayer is not always

The words that are said,

But the thoughts that are

Thought when you speak

Or are spoken to.


Prayer is constant and eternal

Like God’s love.


(Many times you are praying

Without even realizing it!)