Dale Neumann - Cell Fun

Cell Phone Tunes

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Cell Phone Ring Tone Downloads - Right-Click on Link and Select Save Target As...

MIDI Format

Anilam Anthem (Cell Phone) - MIDI Format

Can We Find It (Cell Phone) - Piano - MIDI Format

Can We Find It (Cell Phone) - Synth - MIDI Format

The Entertainer (Scott Joplin) (Cell Phone) - MIDI Format

Lightnin' ( Intro ) - Piccolo (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Lightnin' ( Intro ) - Synth Voice (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Lightnin' ( Lead Synth ) - Piccolo (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Lightnin' ( Lead Synth ) - Synth Voice (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Lightnin' ( Trailer ) - Piccolo (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Lightnin' ( Trailer ) - Synth Voice (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Time ( Bell Intro ) - Pink Floyd (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Time ( Bell Intro ) - Pink Floyd (Cell Phone) - Tubular Bells - MIDI Format

Time ( Quiet Intro ) - Pink Floyd (Cell Phone) - Tinkle Bell - MIDI Format

Time ( Quiet Intro ) - Pink Floyd (Cell Phone) - Tubular Bells - MIDI Format

"Sh" - Pure Silence ( Do Not Disturb ) Track - MIDI Format

You Oughtta Know (Cell Phone) - Synth ( Loud ) - MIDI Format

You Oughtta Know (Cell Phone) - Synth ( Soft ) - MIDI Format

Cell Phone .. Ringtone List ( Complete )


Words and Music by Dale Neumann

Once in a while,
I wish that you would smile,
And hold back the tears,
In your doggy eyes.

You've still got me,
And I'll never let you drown,
So pick up your face,
And shatter that ancient frown.

I want you to know,
What there is to know.
I want you to see,
What you mean to me.

You don't realize it,
But you're not off so bad:
Not too many people,
Have shared what we have had.

I look at you...
Will you look in my eye?
Won't you just remember,
Don't need no reason why.

I want you to know,
What there is to know.
I want you to see,
What you mean to me.

[You should know better!]
[You really ought to know by now.]
[You know?]

Once in a while,
I wish that you would...


Words and Music by Dale Neumann

You'll be my volcano of lust,
And we'll dwell on the beach.
The moon is so right, I will take you at night,
What is this stopping me?

I must...let go of my feelings for you,
I must tell you... the TRUTH.
Oooh baby, can we make it together,
Can we make it just once?


Can we find it, can we find it, can we find it,
Is it there?

Oh Darlin', I know how you feel,
I know what goes on in your mind.
I'm well aware, I'm not concerned with "out there",
I know your feelin' it, too.

Just give me a chance, just one little chance,
To show you how much I lust for you.
Your body and mine can really move,
Between the sheets of my waterbed.


[Name your price.
Only in my dreams.
You make me feel like Pavlov's dog.
When that bell rings,
I salivate all over you.
Can we find it, baby, can we find it?
Can we find it?]

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