Operating Instructions displayed at bottom of page.
Tango and Fox Trot
Operating Instructions
Click on the icons on the left of the taskbar,
located at the bottom of the Video Window,
to Start and Stop the video.
Click on the icon on the right of the taskbar,
located at the bottom of the Video Window,
to make video Full Screen.
Click the ESC key,
usually found on the top-left corner of your keyboard,
to return to normal video mode.
Click on the icon on the right of the taskbar,
located at the bottom of the Video Window,
to toggle muting of the sound.
Click, Hold, and Drag the icon
on the right of the elapsed time
and in the middle of the taskbar,
located at the bottom of the Video Window,
to Rewind or Fast Forward the video.
If you have technical difficulties,
download the latest Adobe Flash Player from
Also make sure Adobe Add-ons are NOT
in your Untrusted Publishers list before installing.