The formula for a 12 tone even-tempered scale
is as follows:
where f = 400 Hz ( middle A as A4 )
for my natural tuning system
x = relative note to middle A
y = relative octave to middle A
Any note can then be generated using
Goldwave software ( )
under menu option
Tool --> Expression Evaluator ...
You must first create a New Sound using
File --> New ...
Number of channels: 1
( mono )
Sampling rate: 39690 Hz
( actual music industry digital recording rate before speed up )
Initial file length (HH:MM:SS.T): 1:00
( one minute )
then create the wave from scratch in Expression Evaluator,
entering the formula shown on this page and saving as a preset.
Set parameter y to 400 Hz, then vary parameters x and y
as positive or negative whole integers.
click OK to actually generate the desired wave,
Finally you save the wave using
File --> Save As ...
end research
and electricity would be healthier at 50 Hz
which is an even multiple of the 400 Hz.
Accuracy of Goldwave is correct.
Kawaii ES-1 reads A 400 as tuned to 400 Hz
but you have to play A flat to match goldwave
so the keyboard is not calibrated correctly is one half step too high !!!!
I can correct the ES-1 by tuning it to 400 Hz
( Touch + Transpose ) + F' + F + E' + E'
where ( ) = simultaneously
where ' = the higher octave of the special keys.
To simulate the EBS ( Emergency Broadcast System )
two-tone signal using this tuning.
Play simultaneously notes A5 and B5.
This was determined from original frequencies of
853 Hz and 960 Hz which if you set middle A ( a4 ) = 426.5 Hz,
that makes 853 Hz ==> A5 and 960 Hz ==> B5.
There is a slight difference in pitch because this tuning
is designed for middle A ( A4 ) = 400 Hz
which i believe is a more natural tuning for biological organisms.
The two-tone effect is comparable and more pleasant.
Car Horns ( naturally based ) should resonate at an even 400 Hz ( A4 )
to be more pleasant sounding rather than some industry standards
which have the frequency set to 395 Hz.