In "Under Cover ( Letter A )" please make a special effort
to listen to the first band listed called Alan Parson's Project at the 4th track.
The Audio CD that I had originally purchased, I had given to my wife
as a present for her music collection.
The song is called "Time" which I just happened to listen to again today in tears.
Recalling the quiet times, my wife and I spent together.
The countless breakfasts one on one in each others company.
The myriad of visits to the beach including our first date on the beach
where I found her love so powerful when she held me in the water
that when we got on shore I was dizzy and had to lay down on the sand
while she hovered over me.
This song I dedicate today 2015/06/30 to my first wife
Josie who passed away on the 14th of this month.
Again, The Song is simply titled "Time"
"Good Bye, My Love. Maybe for Forever ? Who knows when we shall meet again, if ever."
I state the below 2015/07/01 crying in tears as this thought welled up inside me now
while listening to the "Time" mp3 I extracted from the full album to place later below
for your convenience:
11 ~~~ 202502272347et ~~~ Avail .. 149487448064 Total .. 422621396992
.. where 0.90 = 39690 Hz / 44100 Hz .. and 0.91875 = 44100 Hz / 48000 Hz .. and n = variable positive integer that depends upon the Audio CD time compression used to fit more audio content as a power of the base .. of 0.972 = lowering the pitch by 50 cents ( joint with tempo ) which represents .. one half of one semitone of the even tempered scale which rounds up to exactly 97.2 percent .
( Do NOT use Any more significant digits such as was tested .. 0.971531941154 .. will leave the end rate as too slow )
Being NOW AWARE of THIS ABOVE playback conversion back to Real Speed We KNOW the Real Antidote .
.. As Of Today 2025/03/12
" We The People " .. should be filing .. a Multi Trillion Dollar law suit ? against Media Networks ?? in the United States and the World for TOTALLY UNNECESSARILY ? causing Massive ( Subtley Unnoticed ? ) Noise Pollution in the form of Mild ? Global Sonic Earritation affecting Everyone on the planet ADVERSELY WITHIN our Hearing .. Mental Health and Physical Wellness BY THE INDUSTRY NOT playing AUDIO Everywhere at the PROPER Playback Rate that In All HONESTY and PURITY SHOULD HAVE MATCHED that of a LIVE REALTIME .. Performance rate ( Calibrated ) SINCE THE DAWN OF AUDIO RECORDING TECHNOLOGY Instead the audio has ALWAYS been played at a FASTER than CORRECT True Reality rate Now take all that lawsuit money we win .. AND FUND people to PROPERLY FIX THIS SPEEDING PROBLEM E V E R Y W H E R E O N   T H I S   G L O B E
Just this morning i still here us echoing the final song of Encontro Do Casais Com Cristo.
The song is called Amigo !
which everyone in the world knows means "Friend"
From the echoing I write the final words of the song
as surely it if it had been Josie's last words
to me and to everyone ...
oh sabem
nao importa neste mundo
o que tu eras pasar.
Si eu nao encontre
com voce otra vez,
mas quando nos jegar,
la nu ceu te encontrareeeeeee ..."
translated to English:
"Dear Friend,
It's good to know,
It is not so important,
what happens in this world.
If I don't see you,
even one more time,
but when we all arrive,
in heaven we shall meet."
Just writing this now: 2015/07/04
Independence Day in the United States of America
2015/07/06 Another fond memory crosses my mind today
while I was driving in my car tonight.
The fond memories I had helping Josie
get aquainted with this country.
What especially came to my mind tonight was
teaching her how to drive her first car
in this country and, in fact,
the first car of her life
for she had never had a car to drive
in Brazil or when she had first come here:
A cute bold red Chevy Spectrum,
we had picked up used.
Josie wanted a fairly small and light car
so she would have an easier time handling it.
I taught her "the ropes" in the parking lot
of the nearby college campus
just as my Dad had done for me
back when I was fifteen years old.
I almost felt like she was my daughter
that I was teaching to drive.
First handle steering
and then the pedals.
Times like those I will always cherish.
Just as I have had many dreams
of family members meeting me
in some other type of world
to comfort me
particularly when I have missed them
for quite sometime,
I dreamt last night that I encountered
my wife and I had the opportunity
to hug, kiss and talk to her which I did.
This is the first dream I have had about her
since she passed away.
Recently, too, I had yet another of many
dreams I have had of my favorite
pet mourning dove, Derby.
In the last dream I had with my bird
she was on a high post waiving
her trembling wings for me.
I reached over to cup her in my hands
and before I could caress her
in this particular dream I promptly woke up.
( Josie reminded me of my bird many a day.
She would wear blue eye shadow,
and reddish lipstick resembling
the markings on my favorite dove.
I used to tell her that
she was my wish come true,
for when I was alone,
having only my mourning dove as a pet,
I would ask God
if He would grant me a woman
that would love like my bird loved me,
and would be as beautiful as she. )
When I woke up later today
from yet another nap,
our black cat was
by my side napping with me
to keep me company.
Just goes to show ...
Love and Friendship Knows No Bounds !
2015/07/18, Yesterday, I stopped to listen
here on my website to a Shiela Fox song
and broke into tears crying
for how much my wife and I enjoyed
visiting Spanish River Church on a Saturday
to hear Shiela sing live,
enjoy a slice or two of pizza and a soda
at the same time, and meet new people.
It was a precious time, really it was !
And tears flow as I type these words
that you are reading now.
Below, I have also added that song,
along with another of my original bitmaps,
( more artwork is under "12. Gallery" )
this time, a couple of rows of church pews
with stained glass windows.
And below that, some homemade
anniversary cards I designed
several years in a row
during our marriage
which I proudly showed her
each year.
Josie probably never knew
how many times I considered
asking her if we could have chidren,
for which we never had.
I withheld the idea and never pushed it
upon her for fear we really
could not support children.
We could barely support ourselves,
even with my high-paying
computer industry jobs.
Finally, one day, I literally,
"broke down" and confessed that
I wanted to have a child
between us at any cost.
I even got her to agree, however,
at the same time I had a relapse
of stress illness,
was hopitalized again,
the moment passed,
and children never happened thereafter.
For many a year, Josie was my whole world.
And it would take the whole world to replace her.
...if only it could.