.. where 0.90 = 39690 Hz / 44100 Hz .. and 0.91875 = 44100 Hz / 48000 Hz .. and n = variable positive integer that depends upon the Audio CD time compression used to fit more audio content as a power of the base .. of 0.972 = lowering the pitch by 50 cents ( joint with tempo ) which represents .. one half of one semitone of the even tempered scale which rounds up to exactly 97.2 percent .
( Do NOT use Any more significant digits such as was tested .. 0.971531941154 .. will leave the end rate as too slow )
Being NOW AWARE of THIS ABOVE playback conversion back to Real Speed We KNOW the Real Antidote .
.. As Of Today 2025/03/11
" We The People " .. should be filing .. a Multi Trillion Dollar law suit ? against Media Networks ?? in the United States and the World for TOTALLY UNNECESSARILY ? causing Massive ( Subtley Unnoticed ? ) Noise Pollution in the form of Mild ? Global Sonic Earritation affecting Everyone on the planet ADVERSELY WITHIN our Hearing .. Mental Health and Physical Wellness BY THE INDUSTRY NOT playing AUDIO Everywhere at the PROPER Playback Rate that In All HONESTY and PURITY SHOULD HAVE MATCHED that of a LIVE REALTIME .. Performance rate ( Calibrated ) SINCE THE DAWN OF AUDIO RECORDING TECHNOLOGY Instead the audio has ALWAYS been played at a FASTER than CORRECT True Reality rate Now take all that lawsuit money we win .. AND FUND people to PROPERLY FIX THIS SPEEDING PROBLEM E V E R Y W H E R E O N   T H I S   G L O B E
Website Warning .. All Content Media is D.irect D.igital S.tream and NOT intended to be downloaded first and then played with standalone media players . Uncalibrated players could play the content at an incorrect playback rate which is not healthy nor kind .. however .. The Special online website Media Player pre-adjusts the content to proper rate and using flat EQ speakers as reversed RL channel or flat RL headphone orientation guarantees the intended Musical Experience.. And if you still do not like the intended speed .. playback is further adjustable just like on a variable speed turntable . only better .. this is Digital Playback . AND with more Control . So .. Like chinese food .. Enjoy .. Sincerely ~~ Del
U2 is Realer Christopher Cross is Clearer Cream is Creamier Woodstock Rocks Stevie Nicks ? Ooooooo
When Listening to Media on this website .. appending a web address parameter "&hi=x" where x is a positive or negative integer modifies playback in increments of 50 cents ( 50 cents = half of a semitone )
say ? Everyday is a Gift say .. Thank You for .. " every breath you take " ..
Agenda 2025 ..
Secure to Insure Critical Initialization
Need Convert NeuViewer Browser to become a Phone App in the meantime .. use Go Browser
Flight Path Collision Detector with 100 cubic meter altitude window on a " bee line " trajectory approximation given a latitude longitude and altitude start and finish coordinate system prototype for two aircraft then be able add to a list .. note list length affects calc time red .. aircrafts Will collide due to sharing Same cube space yellow .. aircrafts May collide due to sharing Adjacent cube spaces green .. aircrafts separated safely beyond condition yellow or red .. yellow sensitivity adjustable by number of adjacent cube distances apart .. cube space size could be increased but should not be allowed to be decreased Landings require an All Altitude Right Of Way and a Generously Timed Cylinder Of Safety
Webpage Sequencer Engine for use with .. .. General Media Track Sequencing .. Custom Book PNG/GIF Display Engine
Remove hardcoding on biz name Upgrade Review widgets
Soft Send Enhancements : .. TSS Tracking function .. Add Extract routines .. Improve Login DB .. Improve Customer Integration .. Email sending issues .. Review Help and Security Music : Add more Best Media with Best Playback .. Babylonian Tiles ( 3 CDs ) .. Neil Young, Sarah Vaughan Add Mini Morg waves section
Do you like this agenda list? You can send me your comments here ..
"Be Poll Lite ..(.)(.)" "The BRightish Are Going and Coming"
"I Know Knot This Man" The Last Time I Saw Craig Johnson who was Prince of United Emrates We made up after a fight like this .. He asked me why a said something about his mother .. i said, i was not going to say Anything at all about your mother but because you said lots of things about MY mother over and over i TRIED NOT to get mad BUT i did get mad . i said I AM SORRY and we agreed NEVER to say those things Ever Again HE presented his hand i said " What is this ? " and He said with a smile ( that pic I WILL NEVER FORGET ) He Said " Let us Shake hands on it and be best friends forever so I shook hands with him and we Never Fought Again . that was grade school .. years later my mom says to me one afternoon Do you remember Craig Johnson ? she hands me the newspaper .. His B/W picture is in the obituary section he had committed suicide I wondered if the future would have been different if i had just kept in touch with him ...