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~ Controls ~

Determining Rate ..

[ audio ]

audio rate ~~ 0.972 ~~

audio rate ~~ 0.972 ~~



This ..          [ Tad Galin = Winston Churchill = 202001131900e = r00 ]

This ( Restart )

ResumeThis ( Restart Now )

AutoThis ( Repeat )


AutoThisUnStop ( Repeat )


Rate ..

Playback Rate
blank = PureDel actual reality rate
0 = 100% CD preprocessed rate
n = .n = n% where n < 100%
-0[000...] = 100% * [ 000 ... each zero is ( * 97.2% ) ]
-3n = 1.n ... for ~111% use -31111111111 ...
where ..
n = a number of integers
[ ] = optional
97.2% = down one half semitone pitch ( -50 cents )
~111% = 1.1111111111

Start hours ..

Start minutes ..

Start seconds ..

Increment seconds ..

Start Now ( 0 = No ) ..

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Tad Galin = Winston Churchill

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