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Warning: include(include_meta_charset.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/kissdel/public_html/PureDel/KissEyesStore/include_site_user_filter.php on line 8

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'include_meta_charset.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kissdel/public_html/PureDel/KissEyesStore/include_site_user_filter.php on line 8

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Contact Store Cat-A-Log

Product: 1

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
PureDel Jukebox Deal
Mirror of PureDel website on Your Personal Server PC
Click on this picture to correspond with the owner
Includes Installation Assistance . Does not include fees for Content Updates
Listen to PureDel Media Library standalone without Internet .. Only with THIS System installed on Your PC .. PureDel guarantees correct playback rate of the media files stored and played locally . The Displayed Media Controls on PureDel mirrored Harddisk make the media files playable at the Proper Playback Rate . Purchases made are intended to cover hardware and installation of your mirrored website .. and for PureDel to increase our Media Library, and to support the original artists . If you are using the Advanced Controls online then you could be already using them FOR FREE . Interested in DeeJaying Your Very Own Personal Computerized PureDel Jukebox ? contact .. mention subject "Jukebox"

4,000.00 3,333.33 USD per unit


Product: 2

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www processes your song back to Studio Playback Rate
Price is PER SONG . Multiply price to determine an album quantity
Click on this picture to correspond with the owner
Song Sound Restoration ..
Make your Songs ..
have the Perfect Playback
Realism of the Performance

Your songs get processed with Goldwave to restore the realism of proper playback rate and volume responsiveness then returned back to You. Your copyrights honored . Gain trust .. contact first . Puredel will showcase your work with your permission at no charge should we select You . You may cancel at any time and be removed from a Showcase Artist

33.33 USD per song


Product: 3

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www creates and improves your unique website
Price is one twelveth of a years worth of hosting effort
and DOES NOT INCLUDE any additional domains
which must be renewed with seperately when required
Click on this picture to correspond with the owner
Website Development Assistance experience
working towards
Your website imaginations.

Your website designed and deployed with proprietary techniques to create beautiful results that satisfy. The process begins when you decide to touch the button immediately below labeled "Buy Now" which directs you to PayPal safely as shown in the picture example on the left . You can contact website simply by touching that same picture .

144.00 USD per webpage


Product: 4

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
A Few Coins In The PureDel Fountain .. Make A Wish Program
Show PureDel You Approve Of The Website ..
Click on this picture to correspond with the owner
Just A Few Cents ( ¢ )
For PureDel
Creates More
Motivation and InCENTive

For inquiry over our common purpose contact us at our comments and registration page or contact

0.88 USD per gift


Product: 5

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
Please contribute to reduce monthly expenses for
Founded back in '95 .. was incorporated in 2008
yet this entire online effort is a personal statement
from the owner who is not motivated for its monetary profit .
Click on this picture to talk with the owner
Your Financial Assistance to allows this website to Continue with its monthly hosting costs Easier
A simple PayPal safe and secure transaction is most thankfully appreciated and will only be put towards paying the website expenses . Thank You in Advance for your Caring Thoughfulness . The process begins when you decide to touch the button immediately below labeled "Buy Now" which directs you SAFELY and SECURELY to PayPal as the example picture shows on the left . Touching the example picture contacts website if you need text assistance .

40.00 USD per gift


Product: 6

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
Robust Copying and Comparing of Windows Files
Copying with Log File Tracking Proof
Click on this picture to Launch and Run a Demo Application
Virtual Judge Windows Program
including Licensing
and Support ..
File Copier

Here is a Windows-based file copier ( Supported by Windows technology ) that proves the copies it makes. Logging every file it copies or compares.

4.77 USD per license


Product: 7

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
The Neu Internet Browser
NeuViewer, Crystal Clear Elegant Browsing On Your PC
Click on this picture to Launch and Run a Demo Application
NeuViewer Windows Program
including Licensing
and Support ..
Internet Browser


Here is a Windows-based browser ( Supported by most Windows technology ) that has more frequently-used controls. When you don't want to see any controls, with one click, you make them all disappear, only the Title Bar remains !!. In the top left-hand corner is a tiny progress bar that doubles as the show-controls button. You can even disable it from appearing altogether. You can also restrict the user by locking the browser down to only one location. NeuViewer has the kind of buttons ( Firewall, Notes, Network, Options, and HI POWER zOOm ) You Really Need at your Fingertips !! 30 years of computer knowledge and experience went into designing this unique browser. Worth a look ?? A Free Demo of the Latest Version is available before buying by clicking the Neuviewer snapshot photo at left here and simply "Run" it.
Any Questions ? contact

4.77 USD per license


Product: 8

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
Send Money from Your Account to any other PayPal Account.
Enter Any Amount You Would Like To Transfer
Click on this picture to correspond with the owner
Variable Amount Payment Transferred To Member Of PayPal
Use Our Site for Sending Money To ANY other PayPal account from Your Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal account. Convenience ! There are Absolutely No additional fees to pay. Only PayPal collects their transaction charge ( about 3 % of the payment amount ) which is deducted off of the top of the Total Amount of Your Payment. The receiver collects the remainder amount. Ready for use immediately or Contact Us ~ contact for more info.

[ Variable Payment ]

Enter EXACTLY the PayPal User ID of Recipient

Enter Description Of Payment:
( You may clear this field before typing ... )

Enter Exact Payment Amount:

Valid Currency Code List


Product: 9

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www creates and improves your unique website
Price is for a months worth of ( Dale Neumann ) providing == ( Tad Galin ) shared web hosting of website content .. not including domain name fees
Click on this picture to see original contract information
Website Development Assistance .. Server Piggy Backing expenses are
40 dollars per month
out of currently ~ 144 mo. experience working toward
Your website imaginations.

Website data piggy backing fees for hosting with . proprietary techniques create beautiful results that satisfy.
Touch or click the traffic signal picture to the left in order to view your agreement information with

40.00 USD


Product: 10

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www assists you with your general website and personal computer assistance
Price is for one year worth of services determined by
Click on this picture to see original contract information
Additional Website or Personal Computer Assistance .. General Computer Services are
360 dollars for one year

This link for use only for Tad Galin or Joe Galin . Additional Services for your website or personal computer with . proprietary techniques create beautiful results that satisfy.
Touch or click the traffic signal picture to the left in order to view your agreement information with

480.00 360.00 USD per year agreement


Product: 11

About 200 dollars per month in funding
is needed to sustain these two websites together and www
Looking for owner of Bicycle Demon Productions
Price includes trading domain for cassette of AZLBRAX " In The Valley Of The Shadow " for digitization and publication on hosting
Photo currently not available
Trade Domain for Mint Condition Cassette Tape
This link for use only for Ian Bruce-Douglas or Caryn Bruce-Douglas . I am looking for my old friend who misunderstood me a long time ago through inept email communication . he listened to my original cassettes .. recorded my Mr Noise song .. fed me noodles .. showed me his spiders .. in Ft Laud .. left town to take care of his wife and cats .. and i miss him . i watched his video that he needs a certain domain so i saved it Only For Him

14.95 10.00 USD for domain transfer trade


If you consider buying
and have questions ..
text your questions
to me at 561 240 2704 .. Del

"Buy Now" buttons are connected
securely to guide you
directly to the PayPal website
where your purchase transaction
can be completed safely
without a PayPal account as Credit / Debit,
or with PayPal by using your PayPal account.
Which ever your choice ..
PayPal is processing and monitoring
your checkout experience

While completing your purchases at PayPal,
Please take a moment to verify
these important observations..

Your browser's shows ""
as your base domain website location
where you are making the payment.

The "Your Order Summary" section
of the PayPal page
shows the correct product description
of the product that you are purchasing.

"" is shown as the Business Name
that will receive a payment for any PureDel items.
except for where you can specify
the recipient of your payment
otherwise the default is ""

After your PureDel purchase has been made,
expect to receive an Electronic Receipt
directly from the PayPal website
to your email address.

For help ordering a PureDel product item ..
please Text ..
~ Touch Here To Call ~

Contact Del through .. Registration and Comments Page.

For PayPal ( NOT PureDel ) customer support,
related to nonPureDel items
please go to the separate PayPal website ..
PureDel website is NOT in anyway connected
with your personal PayPal balance
or PayPal billing issues of your other usual purchases
for which you may also use
your PayPal credit or debit accounts ..
for That ..
please call, write, or contact PayPal DIRECTLY
for those concerns
as PureDel can only
assist You with the products
here on this PureDel website
so purchases Outside PureDel
are NOT PureDels
scope of business at all .
.. Thank You


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Warning: include(include_button_colorinvert.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/kissdel/public_html/PureDel/KissEyesStore/include_site_color_set_swap.php on line 69

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'include_button_colorinvert.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kissdel/public_html/PureDel/KissEyesStore/include_site_color_set_swap.php on line 69

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